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Read the latest articles and resources for developing a healthy education environment for students - in schools, families and communities.

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Summer's just around the corner, and what better way to light up our kids' vacation than with some super fun learning adventures? At Positive Action, we're pumped to bring the magic of our educational programs from classrooms to summer camps and Out-of-School Time (OST) programs. Let's dive into how we're mixing things up!

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Pasela is the most exciting product release in decades and has already received rave reviews from users. Now, Positive Action is set to unveil even more groundbreaking news!

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Ah, summer! It's that glorious time of year when the days are long, the nights are warm, and school is out. Both kids and teachers breathe a sigh of relief as they step away from the structured school year into the freedom of summer.

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This Spring, we aren’t just waiting for the flowers—we’re celebrating the showers! 

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Teachers are the heartbeat of education. What they do in the classroom - from teaching lessons to nurturing relationships - is at the core of student growth and development. From the moment they step into their classrooms, their goals and objectives lead their teaching strategies and behavior.

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Throwing temper tantrums at the slightest provocation, inability to wait their turn, or excessive nervousness during examinations. Do these scenarios sound familiar? They all have one common denominator — a lack of self-regulation skills.

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Education, a fundamental human right, forms the backbone of every nurturing society. Against this backdrop, the focus now shifts to an often-overlooked cohort: students with Down syndrome.

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fostering character development the role of parent involvement

A child's connection to their family runs deep, with their roots firmly anchored in the rich soil of their home life. Indeed, family is children’s primary model of morals and values: the good and bad, the positive and negative, significantly influencing character development.

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equity in education

Explore our hands-on guide to fostering equity in education, featuring engaging activities, strategies, and practical tips for inclusive learning.

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3 Essential Ways to Prevent Bullying in Schools in 2023

Did you know? One out of five school-going children in the US reported that their peers bullied them in 2019. And what’s more, 41% of the victims feared it would happen again.

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Why Should We Be Teaching Life Skills in Schools in 2023

As we continue to navigate through the modern-day challenges brought about by rapidly evolving technology, globalization, and most recently, a worldwide pandemic, the necessity of equipping our younger generations with practical life skills has never been more glaringly apparent. Schools in 2023 are slowly but steadily realizing that academic performance alone does not measure their students' ability to succeed in adult life.

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6 Behavior Management Strategies for Your Classroom in 2023

The ultimate goal of education is to mold young people into well-rounded individuals. That often includes making sure that the teaching and learning process flows as smoothly as possible.

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As of 2020, the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network reported that one in 36 children have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This staggering statistic highlights the urgent need for schools and educators to be well-versed in supporting students with ASD.

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Teaching is a delicate and complex art as it is. However, the knowledge transfer process weaves a more intricate pattern when it involves students with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD.

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Children are the beacon of hope for our future. Their mental health and emotional well-being are the very foundation upon which future success and happiness are built.

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The concept of social awareness is fairly simple; it's a person's ability to consider the perspectives of other individuals, groups, or communities, and apply that understanding to interactions with them.

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The primary goal of social and emotional learning is to improve student's capacity to establish and maintain healthy relationships through establishing a safe, positive, and mutually beneficial environment.

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tools to measure and assess sel

Humans put a lot of emphasis on hard skills, such as reading, writing, and computing. These skills require both knowledge and proficiency to complete specified tasks. Teachers and educators can easily measure these abilities, thanks to standardized tests and assessments.

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parental involvement in schools

Parents have a strong influence on their children. They have a direct influence that is stronger than that of teachers, friends, and media.

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how to improve school attendance

The average school career is peppered with absences—sometimes for excusable reasons like illness, caring for a family member with special healthcare needs, or facing emotional or mental health challenges.

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roles and responsibilities of students

Does the success of a classroom solely depend on the teacher? Not necessarily. In fact, students play an integral role in shaping and managing a positive learning environment.

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You’ve been teaching for a while now—and it has been going pretty awesomely. But recently, you might have taken a challenging class that you’re struggling to get under control.

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4 Positive Classroom Rules to Achieve Student Success in 2023

Without proper guidance, children will inadvertently self-sabotage their future. Developing the principles that lead to success doesn’t often come independently. That’s why it’s critical to put rules in place at home and school to empower children to succeed.

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3 techniques to use positive reinforcement in the classroom

Are students discouraged or disengaged? Are disciplinary measures falling short? Maintaining an engaged and disciplined classroom can be a daily challenge for teachers, not to mention the rising absenteeism rate. These issues may signal the need for a different approach.

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how to deal with verbal bullying

Verbal bullying is as dangerous as any other type of bullying. Discover how to build a bully-free environment for your school.

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social bullying

Families. Classmates. Pals. The gang from work. We humans are social animals and relationships are vital to our health.

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You’ve probably faced some form of physical bullying at one point or another in your school life — or know someone who has been a victim.

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Equip your children for a bright future with crucial life skills. Explore essential abilities to nurture for their success and personal growth.

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teaching strategies for special education students

In the United States, special education is free in the public education system, thanks to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

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special education assessment

Students with disabilities have unique needs alongside their strengths.

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Discover powerful classroom management strategies and techniques for 2023. Learn how to create an effective learning environment for students.

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preschool curriculum guide

Parents, teachers, and administrators can get overwhelmed when choosing the best preschool program. They want to give children a solid foundation before kindergarten without stripping away their early childhood.

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elementary school curriculum

Elementary school marks a formative period for children, shaping their intellectual, social, and emotional skills. These foundational years present challenges and opportunities for both students and parents alike.

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school and community relations

Education is not all about finding X in a mathematical equation or writing book reports. It extends to how students will fit into the real world during their school days and afterward.

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character education implementation in the classroom

Learn the four best practices to successfully implement character education in the classroom. Discover proven strategies to maximize success today.

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Announcing Pasela – The new app from Positive Action.png

Join Positive Action's exciting journey as we unveil Pasela, a modern web app revolutionizing Positive Actions implementation. Experience the blend of cutting-edge tech and refreshed content in our upcoming beta preview. Follow us for more updates!

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How to Prevent and Stop Cyberbullying in Schools 4 Effective Ways

Discover four effective methods to combat cyberbullying in schools, fostering a safe digital environment and promoting positive online behavior.

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How to Engage Parents in Positive Youth Development Efforts

Discover effective strategies to engage parents in positive youth development efforts. Strengthen relationships and support youth growth together.

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Character Education Fuels Career Success

Discover the impact of character education on career success with 53 stats. Explore the benefits of positive values in students for a brighter future.

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he Power of Character Education

Discover the importance of Character Education and its positive effects on children. Learn how to incorporate it into their daily lives and more.

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Unlock Emotional Intelligence

Discover why emotional intelligence is important for students and learn how Positive Action programs help them develop morality.

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title i school funding

At Positive Action, we understand the funding challenges that educators face. Fortunately, our range of evidence-based programs for educators and families qualify for various funding opportunities.

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4 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Strategies

Aggressive physical behavior, uncontrolled tantrums, and repetitive emotional outbursts.

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Career Readiness: What It Is and Why You Need to Teach It

The process of preparing students, no matter their age, with the essential skills they’ll need to find, acquire, maintain, and grow in a job is what’s known as career readiness.

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How to Set Virtual Learning Expectations to Promote Healthy Learning

It’s safe to say that there’s a huge difference between online instruction and in-person instruction.

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multi tiered system of supports

As educators, we want students to keep progressing and developing into individuals with lifelong positive attitudes towards learning.

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high school curriculum

Once students finish middle school and enter high school, the course materials start becoming much more challenging. Moreover, all students start thinking about their future and worrying about the SATs, and getting into their preferred colleges. That’s why having a comprehensive high school curriculum from start to finish is absolutely critical.

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middle school curriculum

It’s often challenging to find a curriculum that’s both engaging and resourceful in all subjects.

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the best 12th grade curriculum

Whether you’re homeschooling your twelfth grader or need lesson plans for your senior year class, you’re going to need a curriculum.

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"What went well during Positive Action in your classroom?"

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learning loss

No one could’ve predicted that scenes from movies like Contagion would come to life as the world has witnessed with the spread of COVID-19.

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unfinished learning

Curriculums break down what students should know based on their age, abilities, and knowledge they acquired in previous grades.

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community building activities

Our interaction with each other and the environment around us is what inspires our overall well-being.

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professional learning communities

Professional learning communities are an approach to meeting school and district goals where groups of teachers work collaboratively at the school level to improve the way students learn and, eventually, student outcomes.

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It's every youngster’s dream to leave the nest and live on their own once they turn 18. Before you know it, they’ll be driving, graduating, and moving out.

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positive action was listed on cebc

Positive Action is proud to report its addition to the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC) Program Registry.

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Planning resources for virtual learning are now available.

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The Positive Action program lends you to have the flexibility to teach the lessons face-to-face or online or a combination of both. With specific guidance and using some of Positive Action's Best Practices and Guide and a little bit of training, you will see how easy and effective Positive Action can be.

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Learn how a Boys and Girls Club is using Positive Action to create a healthy environment for their club members.

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Discover how a Boys & Girls Club in Pennsylvania is using Positive Action to improve the Club's climate.

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I was introduced to the Positive Action program one cold winter morning when I was tired, homesick, and filled with foreboding.

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One student’s life is remarkably changed after being introduced to Positive Action in the 4th Grade. Below is the speech he gave June 15, 2011 at his 6th Grade graduation ceremony.

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