Evidence-Based Multiple Intelligences Curriculum.

character education curriculum programs

The theory of multiple intelligences says that learning abilities vary by sensory and cognitive functions. Each function is capable of assimilating information in different ways. Positive Action lessons are designed to spread activities and reinforcement across the cognitive spectrum by including activities that involve multiple intelligences at once.

The large assortment of curriculum activities and materials includes stories, games, dramas, class discussion, manipulatives, age-appropriate puppets, art projects, songs, posters, and many others. There are appropriate activities for every Teacher and student need. The Climate Development kits reinforce and build on the classroom curriculum through many kinds of experiential activities. Students of differing interests and abilities come together for assemblies, celebrations and other all-school functions.

This strategy is necessary because students’ learning performance can vary greatly from each method. By including all types of intelligence in the lessons, Positive Action can reach students of all abilities. Below are brief descriptions of how Positive Action lessons use the various intelligences.


The music included with Positive Action includes songs that carry program messages in the lyrics and refrain. The tempo and rhythm of the songs are tuned for vocabulary recognition and easy recall of important concepts. While these songs may not garner a Top 40 following, the music has been specifically developed to reinforce Positive Action concepts in a fun and upbeat way that appeals to students of all backgrounds. Sheet music is available for all Positive Action songs.


Positive Action Kits include many posters and activity sheets. The posters are designed to illustrate characters from Positive Action stories. The cartoon characters help students identify the subject material with a unique spatial representation that makes recall easier. As Positive Action vocabulary comes alive with cartoon characters, students can more easily identify actions that are associated with a particular behavior.

The activity sheets include various games, diagrams and puzzles. Each activity requires interaction in the form of writing, drawing or problem-solving. These actions reinforce lesson material with visual cues that are completed with continued student interaction.


Positive Action lessons begin with the Teacher leading the class through a lesson. Each lesson includes interactive activities. Verbal interaction includes question-and-answer and open-ended discussions. These discussions begin with the Teacher and move toward student-to-student interaction. Beyond the lessons, Teachers will begin to see opportunities to verbally reinforce important Positive Action concepts as the classroom begins working on academic topics.


Positive Action lessons include numerous games that require students to think problems through in a logical way. These activities often include simple math exercises that are designed to illustrate the unit concepts. Using games to teach an academic subject is an effective way to reach students with important concepts, and Positive Action employs this approach throughout the elementary curriculum.


Positive Action teaches students important lessons in maintaining good physical health. These lessons describe different exercises and encourage students to remain active throughout their life. In additional school climate lessons, students present Positive Action songs through dancing and marching at school assemblies.
