Elementary Drug Education Kit

For students aged 9-11

SKU #13300


The supplemental drug education kits provide in-depth learning regarding the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs as they relate to each of the unit concepts. They also teach the importance and results of drug-free living (success and happiness). There are two to three lessons per unit that can stand alone or enhance the classroom curriculum.The Elementary Drug lessons help students understand that “drug abuse takes pieces out of the whole me.”

  • Drug Education Teacher's Manual with an introduction, purpose statements, materials list, glossary and 18 15–20-minute lessons
  • 30 Activity booklets
  • 10 SAMHSA "Tips for Teens" Drug Brochures
  • 1 NIDA “Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs” Brochure
  • 6 Posters and more!


All sales are final. One-time exchanges are allowed within 30 days. Conditions apply. See ordering policies for details.

Additional Information
10 lbs (4.6 kg)