research based social skills curriculum and program for teaching
Sep 14 2023
Updated at: Sep 14 2023

Research-Based Social Skills Curriculum and Program

Positive Action Staff
Early childhood education is necessary for healthy development. The initial years are the basis for children’s future education, helping them become lifelong learners and perceptive individuals.

Positive Actions offers a social skills curriculum for students, preschool through high school, to develop the positive habits they need for long-term success.

What is a social skills curriculum?

Social skills are an essential part of everyday life. Fostering young student’s social abilities prepares them for a lifetime of productive interactions and meaningful relationships. The curriculum gives students the education they need to handle everything from non-verbal cues to uncomfortable situations.

The curriculum provides a supportive SEL framework in a formal setting. We draw on decades of history and research to instill students with the most advanced social skills program available. According to researchers, students in the program see a 19% improvement in pro-social behavior and an 85% reduction in disciplinary action.

Positive Action: The only program that you need

Positive Action has assisted students, teachers, and counselors across the country since 1982. Our social and emotional learning curriculum is a social skills group curriculum with academic material. The combination gives participants the robust instruction they need to have long and healthy relationships.

Schools across the country, from Tallahassee, FL to Compton, CA, already experience the benefits of Positive Action. The supportive system fits with any existing educational programming and on any budget. Learn more about Positive Action results by checking out the success stories.

Program Structure

Our curriculum contains seven units that provide students with strong core knowledge and skills. Each section focuses on different areas of self-improvement and helps students make meaningful changes. These seven units apply at all levels, whether teaching preschoolers or high schoolers.

  1. Self – Concept
  2. Positive actions for your body and mind
  3. Managing yourself responsibly
  4. Treating others the way you like to be treated
  5. Telling yourself the truth
  6. Improving yourself
  7. Review

The stable baseline prepares students for specialized instruction. Positive Action offers supplement kits that let educators systematically explore particular topics in depth. Some of the additional packages cover community involvement, substance abuse, and bullying prevention.

Available for Multiple Grades


Our materials help preschoolers transition from acting out to talking about their feelings. The extra support provides an essential building block for future well-being.


The social skill curriculum for elementary students makes learning fun and interactive. Students engage with short scripted lessons that teach the importance of positive interactions. This evidence-based unit keeps students on schedule and communicative with teachers.

Middle School

Students have a dynamic social network by the time they reach adolescence. The social skills curriculum for middle school pivots to emotional intelligence and self-management. The lessons encourage students to utilize appropriate social skills at school and in their personal lives.

High School

Social and emotional learning never stops. The high school curriculum prepares students for adulthood. The evidence-based lessons include the essential skills and insights people need to succeed as independent and productive members of their community.


How to implement our Social Skills Program?

Implementing the Social Skills Program requires a collaborative effort. Positive Action believes in identifying leaders for each lesson and establishing ground rules and channels for clear communication. Teachers who introduce the programming in the morning can reinforce their concepts throughout the day.

Further reading: Planning Positive Action Implementation

Research Outcomes

Positive Action doesn’t rely on gut feelings. The social skills curriculum comes with scientifically backed research from leading research institutions, including the Board of Education. Learn more about the science behind Positive Action by checking out various randomized-controlled trials.

Unlock the full potential of your students

Unlock students’ full potential today with our social skill program. The comprehensive Positive Action social skills curriculum guides teachers and educators step-by-step to foster more socially and emotionally in-tune students. You can make a difference in a child’s life with only 15 minutes a day.

Make a positive impact in your community by calling us at (208) 733-1328 or emailing us today.

