international sel day
Mar 26 2021
Updated at: Mar 25 2021

International SEL Day - Let's Celebrate It Together

Positive Action Staff

Friday, March 26, 2021, is International SEL Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the value of social-emotional learning (SEL) to children and adults around the world. This is only the second annual celebration of its kind. But it is an important milestone because it shows us all how far SEL has come in terms of its recognition in the global education community.

While International SEL Day is new, SEL is not, of course. Here at Positive Action,the tradition goes back over 40 years when our Founder and President, Dr. Carol Allred, developed one of the first classroom-based SEL programs in 1974 while teaching English and Psychology at Twin Falls High School in Twin Falls, ID.

For information about International SEL Day, visit Take a moment to acknowledge the important role you play in the advancement of this vital curriculum. And please accept our heartfelt appreciation for being one of the so many wonderful practitioners and enthusiastic supporters who give meaning to our work here at Positive Action by bringing the power and promise of SEL to students in schools, classrooms, and organizations everywhere.


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