During the pandemic, school systems across the country were forced to shift to online learning. The pandemic had stripped children of countless opportunities to connect and grow. The new learning environment has forced teachers to double down on social-emotional learning skills.
Now that most schools are back to traditional in-person classes, educators recognize the need for students’ social and emotional development. Nurturing this ability in students ensures not just their healthy growth, but also the quality of education that schools provide. We have access to plenty of outstanding resources to keep them engaged and up-to-date this year. Here are more than 200 free SEL resources for you and your classroom.
Be Thankful - This activity helps students understand gratitude, its link to happiness, and ways to practice it in their own lives by creating gratitude journals and writing thank-you notes.
Be Thankful - This activity helps students understand gratitude, its link to happiness, and ways to practice it in their own lives by creating gratitude journals and writing thank-you notes.
Practice Being a Good Sport- ******** play a **** of ***** and discuss their feelings about ******* *** losing.
Mindful Breathing for Kids- This resource lists different ways to teach kids how ** practice deep breathing, which *** help them cope with stress and stay calm.
Anger Management WorksheetsThese worksheets help grade schoolers identify what triggers their anger.
Tucker Turtle Takes **** to Tuck and Think- This scripted ***** teaches kids ** stay calm *** think when faced **** disappointment and difficult feelings.
Becoming ** Best Me- This module ***** young kids explore self-awareness and self-management concepts, *** develop a ****** mindset.
*** It Out!- This module uses role-play to help kids explore concepts of strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to identify emotions and regulate their behaviors.
Be Thankful- This activity helps ******** ********** gratitude, its link to happiness, *** ways to practice it in their own lives by creating gratitude ******** and writing thank-*** notes.
Smile Starter- This resource ***** middle schoolers recognize ************ between emotions and movement, and use these to help create a positive mindset.
Happiness Skills: Tools to Combat Issues Facing Adolescents- This activity allows students to explore, choose, and practice sustainable happiness ****** daily.
Body Image and the Media- Families take a closer look at *** the media promotes ******* appearance ideals while spotting photoshopping, filters, and ***** tricks.
This Is Your Brain on Happiness- Through a ****** activity, students learn joys effect on their brain *** **** happiness hacks.
Appreciating Our Bodies- This activity helps kids **** more comfortable with their bodies ** creating and hanging ***** with ******** body affirmations ********** the home.
********* Role Play- Students learn the six sustainable happiness skills and, through a skit, identify how these are applied in everyday situations.
My **** Can…- Family ******* ****** collages to illustrate the many things their ****** allow them to do.
Mindfulness Muscle- Through this activity, students learn the link between ******* and emotions, how mindfulness enhances ********* regulation, *** create a plan to ********** their *********** muscle.
Influencers- Family members talk about their body image influencers, identify external factors from *** media, *** come up with ways to nurture positive attitudes.
The Benefits of the Six Sustainable Happiness Skills- This interactive *********** explores the science behind happiness, *** benefits and physiological effects on the brain, and how it can positively influence learning.
Reshaping Body Image- This ******** allows students to become aware of beliefs on body shapes and size, realize that these are social constructs, *** ****** more accepting of their *** and other peoples physical appearance.
***** Resources: Help for Kids - The Dougy Centers site lists ********** and tips for kids, teens, ***** adults, and older adults about ****** with grief.
A Time I **** Grateful- In this activity, ******** explore *** ******* of ********* and ***** of ****** they can be thankful for.
Mind-Body Connector- This ******** ******* ******** to identify their emotions and where they feel these in ***** body.
My Multicultural Self- This activity ****** students to reflect ** how their multicultural identities affect their views.
Purpose Compass- Students come up with project ***** **** (1) their community needs, (2) **** have *** skill ** ability to do, *** (3) they enjoy doing.
A Song of Gratitude- After viewing a video of Grateful: A **** **** to *** World, students reflect ** different ways to be grateful.
Mental Wellness Basics- This resource helps middle *** high school students ********** mental health conditions and ways ** protect their mental well-being.
Brain Games for "Focus Power": A Set of SEL Kernels Practices- Through several ***** Power games, ******** learn how to maintain their focus even amidst distractions.
Contemplative Writing: In this freewriting exercise, students reflect on their thoughts, emotions, or a topic ** their choice.
Gratitude: Appreciating What Youve Been Given -These ********* teach ******** the benefits of gratitude and the **** ways to express it.
SEL for Students: Emotion Regulation- This ******** explains *** meaning and importance of emotion ********** and some strategies to practice it.
******* Cards and Calming Catcher- This activity teaches kids how to create their own calming catcher to remind themselves ** ways to alleviate anxiety.
Take Care of Self- In **** activity, students create spinners containing ways they will take **** ** their mind, heart, and body.
9 Strategies to Boost Your Childs Positive Thinking- **** article lists interesting ways to help children shift their minds ****** positive thoughts.