Jun 25 2011
Updated at: Apr 12 2021

6th Grade Student

Positive Action Staff
One student’s life is remarkably changed after being introduced to Positive Action in the 4th Grade. Below is the speech he gave June 15, 2011 at his 6th Grade graduation ceremony.

In fourth grade, a wise man told me “Be a leader, not a follower.” Before then, I wasn’t a leader but I definitely made my own rules.

Rule #1

“Get out of my way or get hurt.” In second grade, I started fights with anyone who tried to challenge me. There was a time I walked out on a substitute and kicked the projector down. The lunch lady tried to keep me from recess so I cursed her out.

Rule #2

“Don’t trust your friends.” I was alone and felt that everyone was scared of me. The person who knew me the most was the principal. In fact, the office was like a second classroom to me.

Rule #3

“School is a joke.” I thought to myself, “What a waste of time.” School was a prison to me and teachers were just trying to keep me locked in. The truth is that I was ashamed because I felt like I couldn’t learn.

School is no longer a joke to me. “Be a leader, not a follower.” Fourth grade is where I changed my life around. I felt like I wasn’t being threatened; safe. I made new friends and didn’t care to fight. I realized I’m great at science, math, and of course, PE. It’s a lot more fun to be in class, not the office. By sixth grade, I was the Positive Action Sumo and felt like the little ones looked up to me.

I took lead in different activities like reading groups and motivating my class at PE. To all my future lunch ladies – I will not cuss you out. My sixth teacher told me, “You get what you give.” My last report card was two As and three Bs. I share what I have with others and am generous to those who need my help. Whenever I do something good, I feel appreciated. I trust that others will be there to help me when I am down. Every Monday, I go to therapy. The counselor asks me, “How have you been in life?" Next time I see him, I will say, “I’m proud of what I have accomplished. Everything has been worth it. I‘m ready for the next move.”

Thank you mom for raising me. I promise you that this is how I’m going to be for the rest of my life. To my sixth grade class – Thank you for supporting me. Good luck. I hope the best for each of you. We are all ready for the next move.

Group 1

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